Fair Housing: Here's Where We Are
Fair Housing: Here's Where We Are
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CST)
This course is an in-depth look at the Federal Fair Housing Act as its provisions pertain to the real estate professional. Whether engaged in listing, sales, leasing, or property management, the course explores the areas of law related to the Fair Housing Act applicable to the day-to-day encounters of the real estate agent and potential impact on real estate transactions.
Provider #: 1
Provider: Texas REALTORS®
Course: 48573
Instructor: Robert McLeroy
Per Person Fee: $15
Refund Policy: A full refund will be issued if notification is received 2 business days prior to the scheduled class, otherwise a $5 fee will be deducted from your refund. Partial refunds will NOT be issued if notification is not received by 12pm the business day before the scheduled class.
Cancellation: If the instructor or provider cancels the course, a full refund will be issued.